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There will be be an informational meeting on how to raise Monarch Butterflies to be held on Saturday, May 3rd at 9am in the Brown Public Library Community Room held by Brown Public Library in conjunction with Monarchs Unlimited of Vermont.

While this meeting is primarily meant for school age children and their grownups, all ages are invited to attend. The purpose of this first meeting will be to introduce you to the monarch farmer experience and to assess how many monarch farmers of all ages we can get to participate in this endeavor.

We did this last summer with our grandchildren and it was such a rewarding learning experience that we wanted to share it with anyone who cares to attend. It is also an excellent way to instill a love for environmental conservation in our young ones and encourage awareness of the plight of endangered species of all kinds.

Monarch and other butterfly populations have been declining at an alarming rate for a few decades now, by some estimates up to 80% over the last 30 years. It’s up to us to reverse this trend.

So please save the date and come join us to learn more about how to be a “Monarch Farmer” Please consider joining the Monarchs Unlimited of Vermont Facebook group “Monarchs Unlimited of Vermont.” There are very knowledgeable people in the group that can answer any question you may have.

Happy Farming!