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Looking for a fun way to get outside? Check out the Brown Public Library’s self-guided Storywalk® in the Forest from Tuesday, August 6th through Sunday, August 18th. This Storywalk® will take you on a mini hike into the forest via the Norwich Trail System beginning directly behind the Shaw Outdoor Center. Owl Babies is a short and beautiful story written by Martin Waddell and illustrated by Patrick Benson. The path of the Storywalk® is short enough as to be suitable for families with young children, but does cover varied terrain that would be challenging for anyone with mobility issues. Please feel free to contact BPL with any questions.

This Storywalk® is generously sponsored by Northfield’s VOREC grant. Thank you also to the Shaw Center at Norwich University for welcoming us onto their trail system.

The Storywalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. Storywalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson.